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Spanish characters not displaying properly

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I'm using the latest licensed version of FusionCharts. I have an application in which I use the dataURL method trough JavaScript. The server-side (.NET) returns an xml file which specifies:

Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

but when displaying the data, the special characters don't show up. This is an example of the dynamicly generated xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<chart shownames="1" labelDisplay="STAGGER" caption="An

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You need not use ContentEncoding. What you need to do is to add BOM mark to the XML. You can alos try saving  the XML generator aspx file (not the cs)  as UTF-8 Encoded.

Otheswise, you need to the add the BOM just as the first 3 bytes of the XML.

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Thanks a lot, got it working using

 UTF8Encoding ue [color= rgb(0,0,0)]=[/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)] [/color][color= rgb(0,0,255)]new[/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)] UTF8Encoding([/color][color= rgb(0,0,255)]true[/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)], [/color][color= rgb(0,0,255)]true[/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)]);
 XmlTextWriter w [/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)]=[/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)] [/color][color= rgb(0,0,255)]new[/color][color= rgb(0,0,0)] XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, ue);[/color]
[color= rgb(0,0,0)]//do things[/color]
[color= rgb(0,0,0)]w.Flush();[/color]
[color= rgb(0,0,0)] 


-- Pedro




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