
Property Divintervalhints Doesn't Work

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I'm using divIntervalHints property in a MS Line 2D Chart, but it's seems that don't work. The divisions of Y axis doesn't multiply of 500.


I include the XML and an image of the graph.





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Setting divIntervalHints attribute is not supported in a Line chart. Only Zoomline charts supports this attribute currently.


Hope this helps.:)

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Is there anyway to do that actually using MS Line?


Will be soon able in this kind of graph?






Setting divIntervalHints attribute is not supported in a Line chart. Only Zoomline charts supports this attribute currently.


Hope this helps.:)

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Yes, as a work around adjust the number of Divisional lines using the numDivLines attribute in your <chart> element. Depending on the values, you would need to manually calculated and pass it to numDivLines attribute.


For the XML attached, set numDivLines as 11 to get divisional lines in multiples of 500.


Please find the attached screenshot.


Hope this helps.


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Ok, my problem is that I have to do it dynamically. This parameter will be different for different data. Can I apply some formula to obtain a well result for the numDivLines parameter having Y max value and y min value?






Yes, as a work around adjust the number of Divisional lines using the numDivLines attribute in your <chart> element. Depending on the values, you would need to manually calculated and pass it to numDivLines attribute.


For the XML attached, set numDivLines as 11 to get divisional lines in multiples of 500.


Please find the attached screenshot.


Hope this helps.

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