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How To Pass Chart Settings

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Hi, I'm building up my chart string in PHP using the following:


$strXML .= "<graph caption='graph' xAxisName='Date' yAxisName='Number' decimalPrecision='0' showShadow ='0' rotateNames='1' lineThickness='5' showValues='0' showAnchors='0' numDivLines='0' canvasBorderAlpha='0' canvasPadding='30' bgImage='images/graph_bg.png' bgAlpha='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0'>";


but certain things such as the bgImage and canvasPadding have no effect. In the documentation it references applying these to <canvas, how do I do that using the above code and how is <canvas different to <graph?



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Hi Sweep,


Let me help you. If you want to show an image background you should set the bgAlpha param to 100, or greater than 0, the bgAlpha is like a gradient on the image, so you are disappearing the image settig the param with 0.


The canvasPadding parameter refers to the separation between the layer where you draw the graph and the lines that are drawn into this layer. Look the documentation in this site to understand me, this is the path:

Support > Documentation > FusionCharts XT > Quick Chart Configuration > Chart Paddings & Margins


And finally try this example that i've wrote for you.


I hope that this can help you.




Hi, I'm building up my chart string in PHP using the following:


$strXML .= "<graph caption='graph' xAxisName='Date' yAxisName='Number' decimalPrecision='0' showShadow ='0' rotateNames='1' lineThickness='5' showValues='0' showAnchors='0' numDivLines='0' canvasBorderAlpha='0' canvasPadding='30' bgImage='images/graph_bg.png' bgAlpha='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0'>";


but certain things such as the bgImage and canvasPadding have no effect. In the documentation it references applying these to <canvas, how do I do that using the above code and how is <canvas different to <graph?



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Hi thanks for that, the problem I have is I cant pass <chart to the php script I have to use <graph or it fails to display, do you know why this happens?

Hi Sweep,


Let me help you. If you want to show an image background you should set the bgAlpha param to 100, or greater than 0, the bgAlpha is like a gradient on the image, so you are disappearing the image settig the param with 0.


The canvasPadding parameter refers to the separation between the layer where you draw the graph and the lines that are drawn into this layer. Look the documentation in this site to understand me, this is the path:

Support > Documentation > FusionCharts XT > Quick Chart Configuration > Chart Paddings & Margins


And finally try this example that i've wrote for you.


I hope that this can help you.





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Going through other posts it looks like I can't use <chart> if I'm using fusion charts Free it has to be <graph> do you know if <graph> supports hiding the top and right border, setting the background image on a 2d line chart and adding canvasPassing because it seems to ignore these parameters?

Hi thanks for that, the problem I have is I cant pass <chart to the php script I have to use <graph or it fails to display, do you know why this happens?


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Guest Bindhu

Going through other posts it looks like I can't use <chart> if I'm using fusion charts Free it has to be <graph> do you know if <graph> supports hiding the top and right border, setting the background image on a 2d line chart and adding canvasPassing because it seems to ignore these parameters?





Please refer to the link below,


Hope this helps!

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