Steve Harding

Labels Get In The Way Of Drilldown Link

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I am using a map of the USA, with each state containing a link to a drilldown map of that state. I am finding that the 2-character state labels on the USA map get in the way of the drilldown links. In other words, I can click anywhere on a state and the drilldown works, except when I click directly over a label. When I click on a label, the drilldown link does not work. This becomes a problem for the small states on the east coast, especially Connecticut, because the label is positioned directly on top of the state, and it covers virtually the entire state.


Is there any way to mitigate this problem, short of removing the labels altogether? I had tried to assign an html string "<a href='my drilldown link'>My Label</a>" to the <entity> displayValue attribute, but this didn't seem to work. In fact, the special characters caused the map to generate an error. I'm sure if I encoded the string, it would just display the html instead of treating it as a link.


Thanks for any help.

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Guest Sumedh



A warm welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Can you please share the map XML for testing purposes?

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  On 12/10/2012 at 7:02 AM, Sumedh said:



A warm welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif


Can you please share the map XML for testing purposes?


Here is the XML:


<map showAboutMenuItem="0" aboutMenuItemLabel=" " showCanvasBorder="0" borderColor="000000" fillAlpha="80" showBevel="1" numberSuffix=" Searches" legendBorderColor="F1f1f1" hoverColor="F86508" legendPosition="bottom" fillcolor="FFFFFF" bgColor="eeeeee" caption="USA - 10572 Searches" captionPosition="top-center"><colorRange><color minValue="1" maxValue="299" displayValue="1-299" color="a5bff1" /><color minValue="300" maxValue="600" displayValue="300-599" color="5f8ee7" /><color minValue="600" maxValue="900" displayValue="600-899" color="2060d5" /><color minValue="900" maxValue="9999999" displayValue="900+" color="18429C" /></colorRange><data><entity id="CA" value="2717" link="javascript:changeMap("California");" /><entity id="TX" value="2271" link="javascript:changeMap("Texas");" /><entity id="NY" value="546" link="javascript:changeMap("NewYork");" /><entity id="FL" value="502" link="javascript:changeMap("Florida");" /><entity id="NC" value="361" link="javascript:changeMap("NorthCarolina");" /><entity id="MO" value="352" link="javascript:changeMap("Missouri");" /><entity id="IL" value="351" link="javascript:changeMap("Illinois");" /><entity id="CO" value="316" link="javascript:changeMap("Colorado");" /><entity id="NJ" value="298" link="javascript:changeMap("NewJersey");" /><entity id="WA" value="283" link="javascript:changeMap("Washington");" /><entity id="PA" value="274" link="javascript:changeMap("Pennsylvania");" /><entity id="MA" value="245" link="javascript:changeMap("Massachusetts");" /><entity id="IN" value="169" link="javascript:changeMap("Indiana");" /><entity id="MI" value="167" link="javascript:changeMap("Michigan");" /><entity id="OH" value="154" link="javascript:changeMap("Ohio");" /><entity id="IA" value="142" link="javascript:changeMap("Iowa");" /><entity id="WI" value="114" link="javascript:changeMap("Wisconsin");" /><entity id="MD" value="111" link="javascript:changeMap("Maryland");" /><entity id="OR" value="86" link="javascript:changeMap("Oregon");" /><entity id="HI" value="70" link="javascript:changeMap("Hawaii");" /><entity id="OK" value="68" link="javascript:changeMap("Oklahoma");" /><entity id="GA" value="67" link="javascript:changeMap("Georgia");" /><entity id="AL" value="63" link="javascript:changeMap("Alabama");" /><entity id="NE" value="63" link="javascript:changeMap("Nebraska");" /><entity id="NV" value="61" link="javascript:changeMap("Nevada");" /><entity id="VA" value="57" link="javascript:changeMap("Virginia");" /><entity id="DE" value="56" link="javascript:changeMap("Delaware");" /><entity id="NH" value="55" link="javascript:changeMap("NewHampshire");" /><entity id="CT" value="47" link="javascript:changeMap("Connecticut");" /><entity id="MN" value="47" link="javascript:changeMap("Minnesota");" /><entity id="ND" value="47" link="javascript:changeMap("NorthDakota");" /><entity id="AR" value="41" link="javascript:changeMap("Arkansas");" /><entity id="AZ" value="36" link="javascript:changeMap("Arizona");" /><entity id="LA" value="36" link="javascript:changeMap("Louisiana");" /><entity id="MS" value="36" link="javascript:changeMap("Mississippi");" /><entity id="AK" value="34" link="javascript:changeMap("Alaska");" /><entity id="ID" value="33" link="javascript:changeMap("Idaho");" /><entity id="UT" value="28" link="javascript:changeMap("Utah");" /><entity id="ME" value="27" link="javascript:changeMap("Maine");" /><entity id="SC" value="25" link="javascript:changeMap("SouthCarolina");" /><entity id="KS" value="24" link="javascript:changeMap("Kansas");" /><entity id="NM" value="19" link="javascript:changeMap("NewMexico");" /><entity id="TN" value="18" link="javascript:changeMap("Tennessee");" /><entity id="RI" value="15" link="javascript:changeMap("RhodeIsland");" /><entity id="VT" value="15" link="javascript:changeMap("Vermont");" /><entity id="WY" value="13" link="javascript:changeMap("Wyoming");" /><entity id="WV" value="5" link="javascript:changeMap("WestVirginia");" /><entity id="DC" value="4" link="javascript:changeMap("DistrictOfColumbia");" /><entity id="KY" value="3" link="javascript:changeMap("Kentucky");" /><entity id="MT" value="0" link="" /><entity id="SD" value="0" link="" /></data><styles><definition><style type="animation" name="animX" param="_xscale" start="0" duration="1" /><style type="animation" name="animY" param="_yscale" start="0" duration="1" /><style type="animation" name="animAlpha" param="_alpha" start="0" duration="1" /><style type="shadow" name="myShadow" color="FFFFFF" distance="1" /></definition><application><apply toObject="PLOT" styles="animX,animY" /><apply toObject="LABELS" styles="myShadow,animAlpha" /></application></styles></map>




Thank you.

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Guest Bindhu

Hi Steve,


It is a known issue and is fixed internally.


The fix would be available in the next service release.


Hope this helps!

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