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FusionCharts in HTML using JAVA to read data from text based .log files

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We are currently using another free flash chart script to view data in text .log files to be displayed as a graph. so far this works on daily and weekly reports(it is just reading the daily or weekly files and displaying them), but now we have a request to create charts by user defined date's from a queury script to show a chart from a predetermined time entered by the client end user.




Most flash charts just read a .txt or xml file and display the data, we are using IIS and it does not allow the creation of files on the server from the client. it did not state in the fusioncharts product info if it can create the files to view the data accordingly. basicly we need a chart to either compile several days of data per the user request, or to create a chart from multiple data files at once.




Is any of this possible? or would i need to look at Java or html coding to create the data file to be displayed, which would be the best option?

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You'll need to put a middleware script that actually does the task of filtering data by date. Then, this script would pass the relevant records to FusionCharts (in XML) and the chart would render.

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