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Real Time Charts, X Axis As Timestamp

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I am using 3.2.4 r9888 version of fusion charts.

we have a real time line chart with x axis as timestamp. I have couple of questions:

  1. Does it treat a x axis as string or timestamp only? meaning does it look at the current and previous value and adjust the x axis
  2. Suppose we get data at every 10 second e.g. 10 th second = 345, 20 th second = 323, 30 = 564, 40 = 333, and then we start getting data every 1 second. i.e. 41st second = 343, 42 = 335 and so on, The question I have is, will it scale the x axis according to the data i.e. distance between 2 ticks i.e. 10 and 20 th second will be different from distance between 40, 41 and 42nd second. So far I have seen that it does not scale according to x axis value as it does not treat it as timestamp.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Guest Sashibhusan



Please find the reply to your queries inline below:


1. Does it treat a x axis as string or timestamp only? meaning does it look at the current and previous value and adjust the x axis

>>If you will set the X-Axis value in the "dataStamp" attribute in the <chart> element. it will treat as datastamp and your data provider page will request this stamp and send the next value accordingly.


But, if you want to update the X-Axis your would need to pass the value in the FusionWidgets XT Data Provider format.


For more information on "Adding Data Stamp", please follow the link below:


2. Suppose we get data at every 10 second e.g. 10 th second = 345, 20 th second = 323, 30 = 564, 40 = 333, and then we start getting data every 1 second. i.e. 41st second = 343, 42 = 335 and so on, The question I have is, will it scale the x axis according to the data i.e. distance between 2 ticks i.e. 10 and 20 th second will be different from distance between 40, 41 and 42nd second. So far I have seen that it does not scale according to x axis value as it does not treat it as timestamp.

>>I am afraid, this feature is not supported by FusionWidgets XT Real Time charts as of now. FusionWidgets XT does not support time scaling in X-Axis. So the datastamp will not work as timestamp.


Hope this helps!

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Does it treat a x axis as string or timestamp only? meaning does it look at the current and previous value and adjust the x axis



>> As string. X-Axis is not based on time scale.



Suppose we get data at every 10 second e.g. 10 th second = 345, 20 th second = 323, 30 = 564, 40 = 333, and then we start getting data every 1 second. i.e. 41st second = 343, 42 = 335 and so on, The question I have is, will it scale the x axis according to the data i.e. distance between 2 ticks i.e. 10 and 20 th second will be different from distance between 40, 41 and 42nd second. So far I have seen that it does not scale according to x axis value as it does not treat it as timestamp.


>> No. All X-Axis vales (labels) are equidistant since X-Axis is not based on time-scale.

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