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Gap Above Column - How To Remove?

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I'm drawing a 2d Stacked Column and there is small gap between the top of the column and the chart border. How can I remove this? I've tried many different chart and canvas margins and paddings and nothing works. You can see the small (10%) game above the blue bar and below the chart border in my attachment.





I've tried the following with no luck:












Edited by tmorsey

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Guest Sashibhusan

Hi Tony.


Could you please try once by providing the "yAxisMaxValue" to the maximum value among the data points?


Ref Code:

<chart canvasTopMargin='0' chartTopMargin='0' yAxisMaxValue='29800' >


<dataset seriesName='Product A'>

<set value='27400' />

<set value='29800'/>

<set value='25800' />




If this is what is not able to fulfill your requirement, could you please provide the complete XML/JSON data, to test from our end?


Hope this helps!


Looking forward to your response.

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