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Charts not working when routed via ISA Server

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Need some help here. All the charts are working fine on our development server within the intranet but cannot work when deployed on our production server A (via internet & https).




The following is show in debug mode:


INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is SvcLvlT1


INFO: XML Data provided using dataURL method.


dataURL provided:




dataURL invoked:




ERROR: An error occurred while loading data. Please check your dataURL, by


clicking on the "dataURL invoked" link above, to see if it's returing valid XML data.


Common causes for error are:


- No URL Encoding provided for querystrings in dataURL. If your dataURL contains querystrings as parameters, you'll need to URL Encode the same. e.g., Data.asp?id=101&subId=242 should be Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D101%26subId%3D242


- Different sub-domain of chart .swf and dataURL. Both need to be same owing to sandbox security.


- Network error




I verified, by clicking the above link, that the xml data is downloaded and properly formed.




I did additional troubleshooting by adding our production website url as trusted site on my IE browser and modified the security settings to low for maximum access rights. Still doesn't work. I have tested https access locally for server A and the charts works fine so I reckon secure access is not the cause.




Lastly, I deployed it on another production server B (internet & http) and it worked. The Only difference noted here is that https requests for server A is locally routed via Microsoft ISA Server, http request for server B is routed via a hardware firewall.




Please advise. Thanks a million!!!

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Hi, I had tried the method provided but it still does not work.




Additionally, I expanded my test using a laptop connected as shown below and somehow it was able to load the charts. The results from various web request sources is not very consistent and making it very difficult to determine what is the root cause. Based on the diagram provided, are you able to provide further troubleshooting steps?. Thanks!




p/s: due to technical constraints, I'm not able to modify any of the network configurations in the diagram.





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Ok, did what you asked for both browsers and the charts were able to load up properly in firefox but not in IE. Is it a security issue? Previously, I also tried by turning the IE security settings to the lowest but the charts still won't render. Any clues?





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The response is as per my description in my first post above. It's always showing the same error messages.




Would ISA server bridging between the publishing server and the client create some security issue in IE?





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