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Full versus relative paths in dataURL

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Nevermind. Murphy's Law of posting to a forum prevailed.


If I want to use data from another domain, I need to retrieve the data locally first.






I have a chart that is using dataURL to set the data.




When I set dataURL to "/chart/test_data", the chart displays fine.


When I set dataURL to "[my full domain name]/chart/test_data", I get the "Error in loading data" message when the chart is drawn.




The reason I am trying to use the full domain name in the dataURL is that I am working towards making a chart on one server use a datafile on another as its datasource. So this is just a test to make sure the full domain name in the dataURL works.




Why is specifying the full domain name on the front of the dataURL not working?

Edited by Guest

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This has been intentionally disabled in FusionCharts to avoid XSS attacks (cross scripting). If remote dataURLs are allowed, an attacker could use this feature to run arbitrary JS for your domain.

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