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Is The On Click Event Of 'scrollable Chart ' Java Script Function Exposed

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I have 2 questions.




1) I am planning to have 2 different "Scrollable charts" one below another in web page both cha, example of scrollable charts are at this url






- when I click on the scroll bar end buttons to move the chart to left or right direction , is the event exposed in java script. If this is exposed then I would like to control moving both chars to left/right when any one chart left/right scroll is clicked .




2) I am planning to use "FusionCharts Client Side JavaScript Charting" given at this url




- Can I use these "Client side java script' charts as scrollable charts? in the other words I wanted to have scrollable charts at the same time these chart should have client side JS capability to turn ON/OFF of certain series as shown in the above JS/index.html




I highly appreciate your input on these questions.




Best Regards,



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  On 3/4/2008 at 7:08 AM, Pallav said:

Hi Reddy,




The scroll charts do support JS - however, they do not expose scrolling events to JS yet.




How close are you to exposing scroll events to JS. I have a chart which display electricity usage for a day, and an associated display of total consumption.


When zooming, it is possible to update the total consumption to show the period selected. However, if the user then scrolls to another time period, obviously the total consumption is then wrong.








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