
Fusion charts xt trial in chart

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     In Fusion charts we have "fusion charts xt trial" at the bottom, how to remove/hide this, also in the attached image we see "switch to pin mode" icon, i need to hide or move the location(eg:left corner). how ?


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To remove the trial banner "FusionCharts XT Trial", you will have to replace the Trial version of JavaScript files with the licensed version.


Please refer for more information at: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/Introduction/UpgradingEval.html


To hide the "Switch to pin mode" button, set "allowPinMode" attribute to 0. If you wish to move the button to the left, please set "toolbarHAlign" as 'left'.


Hope this helps.

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After set the above attributes, allowPinMode is disabled. but toolbarHAlign is not working. (I m using version 3.2.2 xt), Also tooltip sometimes not working in that same version.

Edited by Rajavelu

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"toolbarHAlign" attribute is not supported while rendering ZoomLine using FusionCharts XT v3.2.2. Please try using the latest version because Pin Mode feature for JavaScript charts has been introduced from FusionCharts XT v3.2.2- SR3.


With regards to tooltip implementation for ZoomLine chart, there is no tooltip implementation. Instead, to enhance the performance of zoom line chart, cross-hair has been implemented, which will depict showValues as well as tooltip feature.


Hope this helps.

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   I need to show chart values on mouse over in Zoomline chart(JS rendering), If i set showVaues as 1 , Chart is not good to seen(refer attached images).

   Any other idea ?  



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If you want values to be visible only when you hover over the chart, then please set "showToolTip" to 1 and "showValues" to 0.


Also, this works for FusionCharts XT SR2. For the latest version v3.3.1 SR2,there is no tooltip implementation. Instead, to enhance the performance of zoom line chart, cross-hair has been implemented, which will depict showValues as well as tooltip feature.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Haritha

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