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clickURL overwrites all interactive elements

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   I noticed that clickURL for the chart will overwrite all other interactive elements for the chart. For example, the legend toggle for series. The interactive element being clicked will still fire but the clickURL will do, too.


   I also noticed that someone reported this bug 3 years ago. I am wondering if it's fixed or is there a workaround for this.



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   I noticed that clickURL for the chart will overwrite all other interactive elements for the chart. For example, the legend toggle for series. The interactive element being clicked will still fire but the clickURL will do, too.


   I also noticed that someone reported this bug 3 years ago. I am wondering if it's fixed or is there a workaround for this.





Could you please try rendering the JavaScript charts explicitly to keep the legend interactive with the rest of the chart with "clickURL" active and see if this helps?



This issue has been noticed in the Flash Charts and we are currently working on the same. We shall update you as soon we come up with the solution.


Hope this helps. :)

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I completely forgot about this topic...

It doesn't help. However, I did find a workaround. I just disable the clickURL function whenever "legendItemClicked" event is fired because, for me, all I need it interactive legend.

Edited by lteng.coppertree

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