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Adding Date Range to Charts?

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I am trying to add a date range to my charts, in order to be able to see data in different time amounts. I am using a MySQL DB with generated timestamps (UNIX). How would I be able to add a drop-down menu( or something similar) that would be able to change the graph to show for example: Past Month, Past 3 Months, Past Half-Year..etc? Is it even possible to allow custom date range entry?



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Guest Sashibhusan



Please note that FusionCharts does not provide the feature of automatic selecting of date range to show the data for different time amounts.


However, you could write your HTML code to select the date range from drop-down menu.


On submitting the HTML form, get the required time range and build the XML/JSON string accordingly and update the data to the existing chart.


For more information on "Charting Data from HTML Forms", please visit the link:


For more information on "Providing and updating chart data > Updating an existing chart", please visit the link:


Also, for custom date range entry, you would need to implement the code of your own, as suggested above.


Hope this helps!

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