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generate html5 charts with php class

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hello there!


I'm new to FusionCharts, so maybe ly question is silly, but i couldn't find out the solution.


What i want to achieve :

- generate a multiple series line chart (MSLine) in html5, from a extern xml datas file (with VLines, but that is not the heart of the issue)


What is my problem :

 - i'm trying to apply the tuto "Using FusionCHarts PHP class"  in the section "Creating a chart with external xml file", i'm studiying the code.

Aaaand there is: 





And i really don't want to create charts in swf. But there is nothing precised for html5/svg charts


is there any way to do that via the PHP Class? Or do i have to use another tool??


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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post.


You can set the rendering mode of the charts through "setRenderer()" API using FusionCharts PHP class.

$FC= new FusionCharts("Column3D, "350", "250");

Please refer for more information at:


Hope this helps.

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Well, thank you Swarnam!
I'll try it out, i did not see it through the doc!
Hope it will helps me, but it already seem to do the job.

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