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Charts dont render correctly in Chrome, Safari, FF and IE

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I give up trying to fix it via the suggestions made in the forums.


Version of Fusion Charts I am using are

FusionCharts Website 3.2.1

FusionCharts Intranet 3.2.1


My graph displays correctly only in IE 8 :(

In FireFox it would just display a blank page and I tried it on a Mac and Windows. I am not trying anything new, the charts were developed back in 2011, some in 2012 and early 2013, so they were working in primarily in Safari and Firefox.


Attached are the images I received on Safari on Mac, Chrome in Windows, IE 11 on Windows and they do display the version of Flash Player.

I am using MSLine.swf and StackedColumn3D.swf.


Could you throw some light? If I try the graph in any new browser it does not render correctly.

Any help is appreciated.








Edited by akylas

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Guest Sumedh



Can you please check if the Flash Player is installed on Firefox browser?


Try to re-install the Flash Player on Firefox browser.

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Thanks for your reply.

I tried reinstalling Flash Player. Attached is the add on i found in FF but it still displays empty.

My concern is not just with FF its with all browsers. My earlier post has attachments that display how the graphs are rendered in IE 11, Safari on a Mac and Chrome.

In short re installing of Flash Player didnt help! Also attached is the graph that is rendered in Chrome for StackedColumn3D.swf.

ANy other suggestions?



Edited by akylas

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I fixed the issue.


Looks like the new browser cannot decipher the width and height of the chart to be 100%.


FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", dataURL, "", "FactorySum", "600", "300", False, False)

Once i provided a width and height everything started to work like a charm.


If it helps anyone.

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Guest Sumedh



It's glad to know, that you have managed to resolve your issue.


If in case, you want to display chart with 100% height and 100% width, then you would also need to provide 100% width and height to html, body and div elements.


Ref. Code:

        html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; }
        div { height: 100%; width: 100%;  }
Hope this helps!

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