
Change Y-Axis Font Color,Size,And Family

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Guest Sumedh



You can use FusionCharts XT Font styles for YAXISVALUES chart element. The font style allows you to configure the font face, font size, color etc.


Ref. Code:


        <style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' font='Calibri' size='12' color='FF0000' bold='1'/>
        <apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' />
Please find attached chart XML and screen-shot for your reference.
For more information, please refer the following link:



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<style> element has been deprecated and has been replaced by <chart> element attributes.

In order to change the y-axis font properties, you can use outCnvBaseFont attribute at the chart level. Please, note this attribute sets the base font family of the chart text which lies outside the canvas i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie outside the canvas will be displayed using the font name provided here.

Please refer this link for further reference -

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4 hours ago, Ayan Bhadury said:

<style> element has been deprecated and has been replaced by <chart> element attributes.

Barely replaced, there is a few options (like underline) that is was not implemented in chart attributes.

4 hours ago, Ayan Bhadury said:

In order to change the y-axis font properties, you can use outCnvBaseFont attribute at the chart level. Please, note this attribute sets the base font family of the chart text which lies outside the canvas i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie outside the canvas will be displayed using the font name provided here.

Please refer this link for further reference -

Unfortunately this will not be possible for me, I hoped there was some way to replicate the same behavior as the YAXISVALUES style, since there was this possibility.

I hope that in the next releases this possibility will be reimplementated in some way.

Edited by Marlon

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