
Fusion Charts in Hidden Divs

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We just upgraded to the latest version of Fusion Charts and now our charts that are rendering in hidden divs are no longer working properly.   We had display: none for the divs and then click the various radio buttons and it would show the option.    We changed to visibility: hidden with 0/0 size and then removed it and gave the div a size.   That fixed the mess of rendering the chart but now the download menu is below the container DIV.     Below is our hide/show.  We have tried it without the diplay and that doesn't help either.

  for (var i=1;i<=7;i++) {
    var d = document.getElementById("div#i#" + i);
    d.style.display = (i==val) ? "block" : "none";
	d.style.visibility = (i==val) ? "" : "hidden";
	d.style.height = (i==val) ? "600px" : "0px";
	d.style.width = (i==val) ? "800px" : "0px";

This is the container div

 <div style="visibility: hidden;" id="diva6">


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This problem has already been detected as a bug at our end. Our developers are working towards fixing it.


We shall update this thread about further developments.

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Guest Sashibhusan



For more investigation on this, issue, could you please provide a bit more information on your issue, as mentioned below:


a. What exactly your UI looks like and what functionality you are implementing with radio buttons? Please explain along with a couple of screen shots.


b. Also, onclick of radio button, after changing the DIV dimension, please resize the chart dimension with the desired pixel values immediately (using resizeTo() function) and see if it fixes the positioning of export menu icon.


If feasible, will you be able to provide a scaled down sample to understand the exact issue that you are facing? If yes, drop us a mail with complete details to <support@fusioncharts.com>?


Awaiting your valuable response.

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You have already indicated this is a known bug in your upgrade.   I am waiting for you to fix it.   You don't need my code.   Nothing worked in your upgrade - no longer export, weird javascript issues.   

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Guest Sashibhusan



Apologies for the inconvenience.


Yes, this issue, which is related to export menu item has already been identified as bug and will be fixed in upcoming release.


The issue exactly we found is "Export menu item is getting misplaced, when the chart is rendered inside a div container control." and this issue replicate with various different implementations.


So once the new version will release, you can test the issue that you are facing, with the new library files.


However, if you require a immediate patch for this please drop a mail to <support@fusioncharts.com>.


Hope this helps!

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