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MSCombi2D (Area & Line) issue with single data point

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Hi Fusion Charts Team,


  I am working with MSCombi2D to display Planned values (as Area Chart) and Actual Values (as Line Chart) - This works well when there are more than one data points. How ever when there is only one data point (i.e., Only one Planned value and the corresponding Actual value), the chart is not displaying properly. The actual is displaying as a Point (which is fine), but it is displayed to the left of Y axis. The planned value is not at all getting displayed (even as a point). How ever the Y Axis range is properly built.  I have attached both the sample files.


Can you please review this and suggest me where I went wrong?







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Hi Satya,


For single data element, data being plotted outside canvas area has been identified as a bug.


Once the issue has been fixed, we would update this forum post.

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