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Export Issue in IE

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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please try once exporting the JavaScript variant of charts in IE and see if it resolves your issue?


Also, please let me know, how you are exporting the chart in ASP.NET platform.


Awaiting your valuable response.

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Hi Shashibhushan,


I tried using javascript variant  but result is same.


Please find below steps i followed to export the charts in Asp.Net platform:


1) Loading minimum 12 charts in aspx page in Page_Load() event

2) after loading charts i need to export the same to ppt, so while populating chart i have added exportAction='save'   attribute to <chart> tag.


Code : 


xmlData.Append("<chart caption='" + ChartTitle + "' exportFileName='" + SaveFileName + "'  chartRightMargin='50' chartTopMargin='50'  xAxisName='' showLabels='1'  yAxisName='' canvasBorderThickness='1' divLineColor='FFFFFF' divLineThickness='0' divLineAlpha='0' decimalPrecision='2'  useRoundEdges='1' legendBorderAlpha='0' ");

xmlData.Append(" rotateValues='1' showLegend='1'  rotateNames ='0' ");
xmlData.Append(" exportEnabled='1' exportAction='save' exportAtClient='0' exportHandler='../Export_Handler/FCExporter.aspx' ");
After all charts get downloaded i fetching that image file to export in ppt.
I am fetching this issue in IE8,IE9 but same code working fine in Firefox.
Our organisation is supposed to purchase a licence version but due to this issue we kept our decision on hold.
Please look in to it.

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Hi Shashibhushan,


I tried using javascript variant  but result is same.


Please find below steps i followed to export the charts in Asp.Net platform:


1) Loading minimum 12 charts in aspx page in Page_Load() event

2) after loading charts i need to export the same to ppt, so while populating chart i have added exportAction='save'   attribute to <chart> tag.


Code : 


xmlData.Append("<chart caption='" + ChartTitle + "' exportFileName='" + SaveFileName + "'  chartRightMargin='50' chartTopMargin='50'  xAxisName='' showLabels='1'  yAxisName='' canvasBorderThickness='1' divLineColor='FFFFFF' divLineThickness='0' divLineAlpha='0' decimalPrecision='2'  useRoundEdges='1' legendBorderAlpha='0' ");

xmlData.Append(" rotateValues='1' showLegend='1'  rotateNames ='0' ");
xmlData.Append(" exportEnabled='1' exportAction='save' exportAtClient='0' exportHandler='../Export_Handler/FCExporter.aspx' ");
After all charts get downloaded i fetching that image file to export in ppt.
I am fetching this issue in IE8,IE9 but same code working fine in Firefox.
Our organisation is supposed to purchase a licence version but due to this issue we kept our decision on hold.
Please look in to it.




Could you please specify elaborately what issue you are exactly facing while exporting charts in IE 8 and 9?


If possible, please send us a sample so that we can test and confirm you on the same. You may mail it to us [email protected].


Hope this helps. :)

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