
X-Axis PhP date labels not showing in LogMSColumn2D

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I cannot get LogMSColumn2D. swf  javascript chart in PhP to display the category dates on X-Axis. The feature works fine in non-logarithmic Column2D


For the regular I am using :

$date = date("D (jS)",strtotime($ors[0])) ; 

$strXML .= "<set label='".$date."' value='".$ors[1]."' color='00FF00'/>";

$strXML .= "";


For the LogMSColumn2D ( to get chart to display) I am using:

$date .= date("D (jS)",strtotime($ors[0])) ; 


<category label='".$date."'/>";



<set value='".$ors[1]."' color='00FF00'/>";


$strXML .= "";


What am I missing?

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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please try printing the "$strXML" string after building the complete XML string in PHP code and provide the printed XML data for more clarity on the issue?


Awaiting your valuable response.

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Again, to clarify..

I cannot see the X-Axis Labels when I am using the LogMSColumn2D. Swf,

To Get the chart to show I changed the xml to Include <category Label> and <dataset>


Otherwise I was using <set label= and <set value= and those worked fine and show xAxi\s-labels in regular MSCloumn2D.swf chart

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Guest Sashibhusan



Thank you for sharing the URL of your issue.


I have checked the XML data feed to the chart for plotting "LogMSColumn2D" chart. It seems the XML data is not in the same format, which is recommended by FusionCharts.


Please find the data format for "LogMSColumn2D", from the documentation:


Please note that the <categories></categories> element should enclosed with all the <category/> elements at once and contains the "label" value to show as X-Axis labels on the chart.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the reply...

Is there any example php /LogMSColumn2D.swf that you can point me to?

I have not been able to find any such example myself


Thanks again



Edited by safadig

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Guest Sashibhusan

Glad to hear that the suggestion was helpful for you to resolve your issue. :)

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