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YAxis options (equivalent of labelStep for XAxis)

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I have a question concerning the YAxis options. For a basic chart, FusionCharts XT defines automatically the YAxis values. Is it possible to configure the step between YAxis values (as labelStep for XAxis)?

For example, actually values : 4 - 8 - 12 - etc. I would like : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4.

If this option is not supported, is it possible to add it for a next version of fusioncharts ?



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Hi Clara,

You can use yAxisValuesStep to achieve the same effect as labelStep in case  of Y Axis values.

For achieving the output you have shown in the example, you should set numDivlines according to the number of Y axis values you want to display, also do not forget to set adjustDiv to 0 before setting numDivlines.

You can set explicit lower and upper limit values for Y axis using the attributes 'yAxisMinValue' and 'yAxisMaxValue'

Hope this helps.

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