
Thousand separator

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Attributes "thousandSeparator" and "thousandSeparatorPosition" specifies the properties of both axes. How to set the thousand separator for the x-axis and y-axis separately?


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We do not yet support any attribute for x-axis and y-axis separately as of  now. Could you also please confirm if you are looking the mentioned attributes for any specific XY charts? 


Please note that numeric x-axis is feasible only for Bubble and Scatter Charts.



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For example: we have two facts (Fact1 and Fact2, the range of values of the facts may be different) and build bubble diagram:



In our application for each fact independently the user may specify the format of fact.



Decimal precision separately for each axis can be set using yAxisValueDecimals  and xAxisValueDecimals.


But our users are unhappy mistake that thousands separator specified for one fact applies to other facts. How to explain them this error?

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