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Would this chart possible?

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I used to create this chart in Excel, and now I want to use FusionCharts to create it.


The x-axis is date, while the y-axis is time.


The grey area is the business hour of a room. (e.g. for 2014/04/01, the business hour is 08:00-16:00)

The green/red areas mean the room is occupied by two parties. 


Just wondering if it is possible in FusionCharts.


Thank you.


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Welcome to FusionCharts forum.
We do not have a chart that exactly matches your requirement.
But based on your description on allotment of room to different parties we suggest you to use Gantt Charts, it has all the features you require plus some added features required for project planning.
You can check out some Gantt Charts here:

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  On 1/5/2015 at 6:26 AM, Nabajeet said:




Welcome to FusionCharts forum.


We do not have a chart that exactly matches your requirement.


But based on your description on allotment of room to different parties we suggest you to use Gantt Charts, it has all the features you require plus some added features required for project planning.


You can check out some Gantt Charts here:


Thanks. I will take a look :)

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