
auto render child chart of Linked Charts..........

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               I am configuring my Linked Chart, Is there anyway that i can auto render the child chart of my Linked Chart when the page loads??????

what i want to happen is the Child Chart of my Linked chart renders at different container.  I want my Parent Chart and my Child Chart render at the same time when the page loads. This is without clicking the Parent chart to render the child chart.................



Thank You very much.........

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is there anyway for the parent chart to be click on page on load for its child chart to render???????????  or is there any way for the parent chart and the child chart to

render at the same time on page first onload?????????

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Linked charts functionality is that on click of a data plot of one chart another chart is rendered which can be done replacing the original chart or on another div or as a popup.


To fulfill your requirement you do not require a Linked Chart as such, rendering the two charts in two different containers will suffice.


You can check out this dashboard for a demo:

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