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Problem with decimal numbers!

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The problem consists that at use of decimal numbers, the chart shows "Nan units" (I use MS Access 2007). I thought, that at me a problem with a writing of a code, but I also in your example have changed numbers on decimal (FactoryDB.mdb)... The same does not work! In what a problem?


In advance many thanks! :)

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I shall try to describe the problem!


(Excuse for bad English)


1. I have a database in a format *.mdb Access 2007 (ODBC)


2. There at which value tables are stored in cells - in decimal numbers (0.568) the Point - a divider by default!


3. Having taken for the sample your example "DB_dataURL" has tried to take data from the database for construction of the schedule. But the chart has shown the following:


#See a picture#




And when I have changed decimal numbers for the whole (0.568 => 568) the chart was constructed normally!


I tried both with the database *.mdb, and only your example with a database FactoryDB.mdb - result the same! All parameters which are connected with display of numbers I has specified (in asp a code)




In advance it is very grateful! :)


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