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Pie2D small chart size

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Hello, I've been using fusioncharts 3.9 and have encountered my data portion of my pie charts are very small when I set the size of the chart to '100%', '100%'.  The chart, including of the background, is the size of the parent div, but the pie chart itself is so small as to be unusable.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

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I do not have this problem if I set the size with JQuery, and I do not have the .  Problem is I would like to use the native resizer, and not have to set the pie radius when changing screens or fullscreening.

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Jquery has resize event handler which on change of screen size automatically adjust the size of webpage accordingly. But natively, FusionCharts uses div container element of HTML page to render the chart the size specified initially is rendered and retained even if screen size is changes.


The only workaround using native method is to use FusionCharts API resizeto() method. A JavaScript function can be called to resize the chart according to screen sizes. Please refer to this JSFiddle sample for the same:

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