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Retaining Titles with no data

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We use many charts, and some of them simply lack data, especially when filtering for dates. In these cases, the "No data to display." message appears. That's all well and good, but the problem is that the captions and subcaptions (which we use as titles and subtitles) of the charts disappear, thereby making it difficult to identify which of the half dozen charts lack data: example:


"chart": {
"caption": "My Caption",
"subcaption": "My Subcaption",
"startingangle": "120",
"showlabels": "0",
"showlegend": "1",
"enablemultislicing": "0",
"slicingdistance": "15",
"showpercentvalues": "1",
"showpercentintooltip": "0",
"plottooltext": "Document: $label<br />Total: $datavalue",
"theme": "fint",
"exportEnabled": "1"
"data": []
Is there a setting we can use to still display the caption and subcatption when there is no data?

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