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different valueBgColor / fontcolor for inside and outside data plots

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Attached you find a example of my problem. The Picture shows the best solution i found.


The problem is that the font color inside the plot is not readable outside the plot.

Now it would be cool to set different colors for this when the text will printed inside or outside.


That should be not a big deal because the chart already now when they have to print the informations outside the plot or when it will fit inside.


Maybe you have a other solution for me how to work around my problem, then i would do this.





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Value text cosmetics are chart specific and are applicable across whole chart, it is not possible to get different value font cosmetics inside and outside data plots.


Though you can use annotations to achieve this scenario and set the style you need. Please refer to this link to know more:

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Sry for the late replay, 


i am not sure if it will work with annotations, because i want that the text will shown "in" or "out" of the plot, where it better fits ( thats works good in fusioncharts ), but when fusioncharts decide to print them out side or inside i want to style the color separate, ( other wise there will be problems for reading the chart, then the color matchs in my place the background color, and the blue background is only a hack for me ). 


So i hope fusionchart will implement a solution for this in the next versions.

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You can restrict placement of values inside and outside the columns/bars using chart attribute `placeValuesInside` with its value as `0` to place all values outside and `1` to place all values inside and define value cosmetics accordingly.


Please refer to below JSFiddle samples for the same:

1. Outside:

2. Inside:

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