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Invalid XML data

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I am using the Gantt.swf in FusionWidget V3 Eva version, and I am creating a Gantt chart with 8 tasks.

I need to add the link against the task, which means, when you click the task, it should run a javascript which needs to pass three php variables.

Before I put the link on, the chart works fine. But, when I put the link, I got the error.

when I put this in code:


I can see the xml in the page source when I render the page in IE

<task label='Start:22:00 Finish:06:16 Duration:8 hours 16 minutes' start='07/01/2008 22:00:00'  end='07/02/2008 06:16:00'  processId='13-Apr-2008'  link='javascript:launchreport('report.php','13-Apr-2008','XXX','YYY')'  />

and on the page, it shows "Invalid XML data"

and when I change all the single quote (') to %26apos; it is like

link='javascript:launchdailyreport(%26apos; report.php %26apos; , %26apos; ".$daily_report[$i]["date"]." %26apos; , %26apos; ".$daily_report[$i]["code"]."%26apos; , %26apos; ".$daily_report[$i]["en"]." %26apos; )'

I can see the the xml in the page source when I render the page in IE

<task label='Start:22:00 Finish:06:16 Duration:8 hours 16minutes' start='07/01/2008 22:00:00'  end='07/02/2008 06:16:00'  processId='13-Apr-2008'  link='javascript:launchreport(''  />

and of course it is "Invalid XML data" error.

I dont know how to fix it.

Hope you could understand my situation. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Guest

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I am using the FusionCharts_Gen.php which is in the free version FusionChartsFreeCodePHPClassIncludes to generate the xml, I modified a bit to fit the version 3, like change the swf file name without "FCF_", changed the to , and changed the "name" to "label".




In order to get the %26apos; I changed the Parameter Delimiter to be ";;" instead of the default ";".




but seems it cannot work with the %26apos;





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Thanks for the reply, I tried the different Parameter Delimiter, and get this result:

<task label='Start:22:00 Finish:06:30' start='07/01/2008 22:00:00'  end='07/02/2008 06:30:00'  processId='07-Apr-2008'  link='javascript:launchdailyreport('report.php','07-Apr-2008',' XXX','YYY')'  />

here are the code for adding task for Gantt Chart

# Setting Tasks Parameter into TaskParam variables

  function setGanttTasksParams($strParam){


  # Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute

  foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {



$this->GT_Tasks_Param .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";





  # Function addGanttTasks adding Tasks

  function addGanttTask($label="",$catParam=""){





# cheking catParam not blank



  foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {



  # creating parameter set


  $strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . urldecode($paramValue[1]) . "' ";


  $strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";





 # adding label and parameter set to category

  $strCatXML ="<task label='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";


  # storing into GT_Tasks array


  # Increase Counter



and the code to get the task xml

# Function getProcessesXML for getting Processes part XML

  function getTasksXML(){



# adding processes parameter

$partXML="<tasks " . $this->GT_Tasks_Param . " >";

foreach($this->GT_Tasks as $part_type => $part_name){


# adding elements

$partXML .= $part_name;




# Closing <tasks>

$partXML .="</tasks>";

return $partXML;



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I suppose you must be using addGanttTask($label="",$catParam="") function and in the param you are passing the link. e.g.



Could you please try once :


(since addGanttTask() itself encodes the & to %26)

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Hi, thanks for the reply, I did a very simple thing and it is working now.


You are right, it transfers %26apos; to ', so I manually update the ' back to %26apos before it render the chart and it is working.


Maybe this sound stupid :crying:


But anyway, thanks for your help

Edited by Guest

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