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Dual Y-Axis CSV Data Formatted Incorrectly

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When trying to export chart data as CSV, using the getCSVData() method, I have set exportDataFormattedVal:1 so that my output maintains the formatting shown on the chart.

This issue is that the output format for data in the secondary axis is formatted using the settings for data linked to the primary axis.


For example, the following data has:- primary axis:(decimal:2, numberSuffix:" AUD"), secondary axis:(sdecimals:0, sNumberSuffix:"")


The data is formatted like this:

CSV Data (as output by FC):

"Hour","Client Cost","Call Centre"
"07:00","0.00 AUD","11.00 AUD"
"08:00","5,446.53 AUD","56.00 AUD"
"09:00","20,971.23 AUD","248.00 AUD"
"10:00","21,461.76 AUD","281.00 AUD"
It should be formatted like this:

CSV Data (as it should be formatted / how it is formatted in the chart):

"Hour","Client Cost","Call Centre"
"07:00","0.00 AUD","11"
"08:00","5,446.53 AUD","56"
"09:00","20,971.23 AUD","248"
"10:00","21,461.76 AUD","281"

I am using v3.10.1. 



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Hi Alex,


Hope you are keeping well! Thank you for your continued patience.


Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite v3.11.3, released over the weekend that will resolve your reported issue for secondary number suffix of dual yaxis charts ?




PS: Do clear your cache for testing with new files.


To avail this licensed release, you would need to re-Download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center.



To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.11.3, please visit the link:



Hope this would resolve your issue. If you require any further assistance please do drop us a mail.

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