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ploting the starting value in Multi-series Line Chart

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We are using the Multi-series Line Chart (MSLine.swf -FusionCharts v3 Enterprise) chart to plot the graph between date vs total units.

We need to add the 30 day average moving line in the chart.




1) Do we have to code to plot the 30 day average moving line in the chart?

Initially, we are using the jfree chart and we just need to set the attribute to show 30 day average moving line in the chart.

Is there any element defined to enable 30 day average moving line in the chart?

2)If we need to code to plot the 30 day average moving line in the chart then is there any way that we can set the start value of the 30 day average moving line (that is setting any attribute value in the <dataset> element)

Any help will be really appreciated.



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