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Random problems with the chart

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I have some problems using the chart component.

For the same datas,(it's a dynamical data source), sometimes the charts display well but the sometimes I have just a part of the title (caption) that displays.

How can avoid that ?

Kind regards,




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I get this occasionally too. Very hard to debug. Everything looks OK with the data. Any suggestions?




Here's the embed code:




<embed width="800" height="200" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="/sites/all/modules/sprout/flash/charts/MSColumn2D.swf" pluginspage="" flashvars="dataURL=%2Fservices%2Freports%2Freport-service.php%3Freport%3Dcustom_events%26cid%5B%5D%3D27986%26from%3D2008-05-21%26to%3D2008-05-28%26profile%3Dprod"/>






Here's the XML data:




<?xml version="1.0"?>

<chart palette="1" bgcolor="ffffff" bordercolor="ffffff" xAxisName="Date" yAxisName="" showValues="0" decimals="0" formatNumberScale="0" plotGradientColor="" useRoundEdges="0" caption="Custom Events">



     <style name="HeaderText" type="font" font="Verdana" size="13"/>

     <style name="SproutShadow" type="Shadow" distance="4" angle="60"/>



     <apply toObject="DataPlot" styles="SproutShadow"/>

     <apply toObject="Caption" styles="HeaderText"/>



<categories><category label="5/21"/><category label="5/22"/><category label="5/23"/><category label="5/24"/><category label="5/25"/><category label="5/26"/><category label="5/27"/><category label="5/28"/></categories><dataset seriesName="Main Page"><set value="49"/><set value="55"/><set value="75"/><set value="23"/><set value="30"/><set value="98"/><set value="72"/><set value="23"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="News Click"><set value="0"/><set value="0"/><set value="2"/><set value="0"/><set value="0"/><set value="1"/><set value="0"/><set value="0"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="DB Click"><set value="0"/><set value="0"/><set value="0"/><set value="0"/><set value="0"/><set value="1"/><set value="0"/><set value="0"/></dataset></chart>

Edited by Guest

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