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Luis M.

Divisional lines - field disabled to default

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Hi, I'm new to Fusion Charts. One question, please.


Is it possible to load the graph with the "week results" disabled to default? @see attached files: A.PNG and B.PNG 


For example, to fields: "last week" and "this week", I want both fields disabled. That is, as shown in the second image (B.PNG).


I'm using Fusion Charts version 2.x.


There are attributes to configurate this case? any suggestions or solutions? Thank you everybody.


Sorry if this forum is not right for my post :)


Kind regards.



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Yes it is possible to load the chart with both the fields disabled, by setting "visible":"0" in both the dataset object. Please upgrade it to the latest version for best performance and lots of other improvements :)

For further reference please visit this fiddle link
Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your words.  ;)


I have tried to prove what you say without success. 


My scenario is as follows:


1) Version of FusionCharts 3.2.4-sr1.9888.

2) Project of FusionCharts in Flash mode.

3) Windows 10 

4) Firefox 48.0.2


Please, Any more ideas? another way?


Kind regards.

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Thanks for replying back.


"visible" attribute has been introduced in the later version. We would recommend to upgrade to the latest version to make use of new features. 


However, Flash charts are deprecated now since FusionCharts version 3.4. Now, FusionCharts renders charts using pure JavaScript only.


You can download latest version using this link:


You can also check this developer documentation for latest version:


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I understand that you say.


This case is a project already implemented at a client of company.


So, we cant upgrade to the latest version of FusionCharts now.  :(


Please, there is no other solution for this problem?


Thank you very much.


Kind regards.



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Thanks for replying back.

I am very sorry to say that there is no other way. In order to use the "visible" attribute you need to upgrade it to the latest version as it has been introduced in the later version of 3.4.
Sorry for the inconvenience. :(

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