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Bubbles Chart

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I'm a french designer and I would like to use a bubble chart with 4 axis. (-X ; 0 ; +X) and (-Y;0;+Y)

Moreover, is it possible to have a color for each categories (bubble) ?????


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Pallav (5/12/2008)
I'm afraid we do not support 4 axis.


Yes - you can have a different color for each bubble.

Can you please tell us how this is done, or point to an FAQ ?


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Can you explain me this w.r.t to I want to draw a bubble chart for Catgeory vs SKU Count? Where X-axis will be categories and Y-axis is number of SKU count.


I don't know what should I use for X, Y and Z in given above example.







Edited by Guest

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Could you please see documentation and also see this?

Attribute Name Type Range Description
x Number Numeric Value X-axis value for the set. The bubble/scatter point will be placed horizontally on the x-axis based on this value.
y Number Numeric Value Y-axis value for the set. The bubble/scatter point will be placed vertically on the y-axis based on this value.
z Number Numeric Value Z-axis numerical value for the set of data. The size of bubble would depend on this value (with respect to z values of other bubbles on the chart).

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