ZoomLine Chart - Tooltip are overlapping each other

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The tool-tips of "zoom-line" chart are not getting overlapped at our end even if the anchor plot values are same or close to each other,  please find a working sample fiddle link


We are unable to replicate the issue at our end. Please let us know which version of FusionCharts are you currently using?


Please share a sample fiddle link of your implementation or provide us the datasource and steps to replicate the issue so that we can look into the issue.
Edited by Ayan Bhadury

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Thanks for replying back.


"Zoom Line" chart takes the category object and data object as an attribute belonging to the categories and dataset object array respectively. The attached json file which you provided contains the category and data object as an array of objects, which does not comply with the supported zoomline format.


Please refer this documentation for further details of category and data attribute in the below link 


For further reference check this sample fiddle link


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for replying back.


Flash charts are deprecated since FusionCharts version 3.4. I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version of FusionCharts i.e. 3.11.3 and use latest version.


You can download evaluation version using this link:


The tool-tips of "zoom-line" chart are not getting overlapped at our end even if the anchor plot values are same or close to each other using the latest version,  please find a working sample fiddle link

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