Report post Posted May 5, 2017 I'm using following FusionChart option to Save the image to Server-Side PHP: [ 'chart' => [ "exportEnabled" => "1", "exportAtClient" => "0", "exportAction" => "save", "exportHandler" => "/fusioncharts/export-handlers/php-export-handler/index.php", "exportFileName" => $chartImagesFileName, 'categories' => [ ['category' => $labels] ], 'dataset' => [ ['seriesname' => '...', 'data' => $reg], ['seriesname' => '...', 'data' => $billed] ] ] Javascript: $(document).on('click', '#download-csv', function(e) { var id = "#" + chartUid + " .fusioncharts-container div:contains('Export As PNG')" ; $( id ).trigger("click"); }); Here, /fusioncharts/export-handlers/php-export-handler/index.php is able to generate image and print the filename. But my problem is, on triggering click, I'm unable to get the filename. How can I resolve this issue in FusionChart? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ayan Bhadury Report post Posted May 12, 2017 Hi, FusionCharts export feature is a core library function, which can be triggered by setting exportenabled to 1 at the chart level, which can be accessed from the canvas only, if you want to export chart on event click outside the canvas, you can use exportChart api method of FusionCharts. Please refer this documentation link for details - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites