
Adding different drill downs at the same level to fusion maps in asp.net

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I have a fusion map of India showing states and I want to use drill down in such a way that when I click on Delhi, it should drill down to fusion map of Delhi and when i click on Mumbai it should drill down to fusion map of Mumbai etc.

How should i use fusion map ConfigureLink() function for the mentioned scenario. I am able to do this, if it's a common drill down for both Mumbai and Delhi but getting difficulties in different drill downs at the same level. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.

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Drill down on city level is not possible as of now, however you can drill down from the country level to state level. As per your requirement, you can drill down for each state using configureLink api method which is placed on the entityclick event of FusionCharts.

Please check the sample fiddle for reference- http://jsfiddle.net/74La6eov/

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22 hours ago, Ayan Bhadury said:


Drill down on city level is not possible as of now, however you can drill down from the country level to state level. As per your requirement, you can drill down for each state using configureLink api method which is placed on the entityclick event of FusionCharts.

Please check the sample fiddle for reference- http://jsfiddle.net/74La6eov/

Thanks for replying. My question is that:-  how should I write map.configureLink() for different drill down outputs at the same level. It means -

Suppose I have fusion map of world and when I click on Asia, it should drill down to fusion map of Asia, when I click on Europe, it should drill down to fusion map of Europe, when I click on Africa, it should drill down to fusion map of Africa, when I click on South America, it should drill down to fusion map of South America and when I click on North America, it should drill down to fusion map of North America. How should I achieve this using map.configureLink().

Thanks in advance.

Edited by mike_

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I have tried but unable to get the solution. Please help me out. How to use multiple 'type : ' at same point or level in configureLink().

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10 minutes ago, Ayan Bhadury said:


Please check the above fiddle for reference, you can implement this in same way.

I have tried but unable to get the solution. Please help me out. How to use multiple 'type : ' at same point or level in configureLink().

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