
Trim Upper Whisker in Box and Whisker plot

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I am able to use the box and whisker chart and plot the chart. I have a problem, the box isn't visible properly due to higher maximum limit, and hence the box appears very small.

I have attached the chart image for your reference. 

Please let me know if there is any way to trim the upper whisker so that the box plot can be rendered legible enough.


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Hi Ayan,

Please find the attachment containing the chart data source, which I had run in jsfiddle. I would like to set the upper limit of whisker to a smaller value, so that the box plots are viewable. I used the yAxisMaxValue attribute and set it to '100', but I guess it got overridden by the max value of Whisker.






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The min,max,median all are calculated based on the value object, so according to you chart datasource if your data object has values which is more than the yaxismaxvalue that you have set it will automatically render the chart based on the data object values.

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