
Change export menu button

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Hi all guys, I have a problem. I should change the export button to something more talkative, it would be nice to just write export data. But I have no idea if it can be done and how. Could you give me a hand?

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Unfortunately the export button can not be customized as text as of now, however you can export your chart using FusionCharts exportChart() api method which can be called on any javascript events and you can hide the export option button from the chart using exportShowMenuItem attribute at the chart level asn set its value as 0

Please refer this doc url - http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-methods.html#exportChart

Also for further reference please check this sample fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/7czLkr0p/

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thank you so much for your answer. I will try to add additional buttons to drive the event.

Edited by mjames

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