Fusionchart for Visual Basic

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I'm trying to use FusionChart with Visual Basic, I saw on internet about this to use in VB Classic( but I'm not found anymore components for Fusionchart using VB applications or Visual Studio.

Nowadays I'm used to use FusionChart with VB.Net/dot net applications, but I'm trying to move from Web site to windows project(.exe). I would like to know if someone still have the ".ocx" file regarding fusionchart to VB to share with me. 

When I'm accessing the official FusionChart website, the page regarding Visual Basic is not working and the website is redirecting me to the standard page "" which doesn't has any extension to VB.

Thank you.

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Thank you for help!

I'm trying to use, but I'm receiving this message below when I try to execute the code following all the steps for the link you sent me.

"Could not find library support for JSON parsing."

Here is the code:

  Imports System.Text
Imports FusionCharts.Charts

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Dim Data As String
        Data = "<chart caption='Sales of Liquor' subcaption='Last week' xaxisname='Day' yaxisname='Sales (In USD)' numberprefix='$' palettecolors='#0075c2' bgcolor='#ffffff' showborder='0' showcanvasborder='0' plotborderalpha='10' useplotgradientcolor='0' plotfillalpha='50' showxaxisline='1' axislinealpha='25' divlinealpha='10' showvalues='1' showalternatehgridcolor='0' captionfontsize='14' subcaptionfontsize='14' subcaptionfontbold='0' tooltipcolor='#ffffff' tooltipborderthickness='0' tooltipbgcolor='#000000' tooltipbgalpha='80' tooltipborderradius='2' tooltippadding='5'><set label='Mon' value='4123' /><set label='Tue' value='4633' /><set label='Wed' value='5507' /><set label='Thu' value='4910' /><set label='Fri' value='5529' /><set label='Sat' value='5803' /><set label='Sun' value='6202' /></chart>"

        Dim factoryOutput As New Chart("area2d", "myChart", "600", "350", "xml", Data)
        Dim Total As New StringBuilder

        Total.Append("<html xmlns=''>")
        Total.Append("<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />")
        Total.AppendFormat("<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>", Application.StartupPath.Replace("\\", "/"))
        'Total.AppendFormat("<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery/jquery.1.4.2.min.js'></script>", Application.StartupPath.Replace("\\", "/"))
        'Total.AppendFormat("<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery/jquery.gallerax-0.2.js'></script>", Application.StartupPath.Replace("\\", "/"))


        Dim chartdata As String

        chartdata = factoryOutput.Render()


        WebBrowser1.DocumentText = Total.ToString()

    End Sub

End Class




app win.jpg

Json error.jpg

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We guess you are using a too old version of  Visual Studio i.e. VS 2010 please check with the newer version of Visual Studio preferably post 2015 version.

Also, check with XML data format for rendering FusionCharts as shown in the given Blog post link.

Hope this would help.

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