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FusionCharts Support

I need recompile FusionCharts.dll for Menu DHTMl

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Srs. Hello i see the forum the case "menu dhtml". I readed all conversation betewn user and team fusion.

But i don't konw how to recompile the file FusionCharts.vb to work with dhtml

Please help me.

Thanks for your coperations.

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Srs. Thank for your coperation.

but..... I found the solution.

For all people than similar problem:

Fisrts put line in the file FusionCharts.vb

strFlashVars.Append(("<param name=""wmode"" value=""transparent"" />" & Environment.NewLine))

The command to use for compilation is:

vbc fusioncharts.vb  /target:library

It worked dhtml menu with fusioncharts.:)

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