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I wanted to know if I enable exportEnable flag, is there any data sent to fusioncharts server or  all happens at client side?

If data is being sent to fusioncharts server, what all data is being sent & what happens if export server is down?



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You could configure the export server in multiple ways 

  1. using FusionCharts export server, to do this please set exportMode as server at the chart level
  2. For configuring at client side please set exportMode as client at the chart level

Also, you could set your own private export sever using FusionCharts in many server-side languages like PHP, Java, .Net etc check this link for details -

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Thanks Ayan for your reply. I have enabled the flag enableExport:1 and also able to download the image & pdf. Just wanted to know, is there any data will be shared with fusioncharts server to export the image/pdf?

And also how to change the file name from fusioncharts to the chart name?




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Thanks for your reply. That's really helpful. Exporting will send only SVG. Is that SVG sent to fusioncharts server or done in client side?

Does export works without internet?




29 minutes ago, Ayan Bhadury said:


At the time of exporting only the chart SVG is sent not the chart data.

For the second query, you could change the exported file name using exportFileName attribute at the chart level, for reference please check the sample -


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10 minutes ago, Ayan Bhadury said:


As stated earlier you could export FusionCharts both in server and client side using exportMode attribute, please note you could export the chart without internet using exportMode as  client at the chart level.

Sample -

Thanks Ayan for your reply. That was really helpful.

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