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Parameter passing and Dynamic Range based on passed parameter in Angular gauges

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We have made a Realtime application using Fusion Gadgets V3 Angular Gauges .The input to shockwave files is XML and to XML is ASP.

But,now we have to pass a parameter in the ASP and data corresponding to the parameter is to be reflected in shockwave output.

Besides,the range of dial is hardcode, and we want to dynamically define the range based on data to be displayed.

How can this be done.Plz guide.

Megha - Shikha

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Hello Mr Sudipto,

I tried passing the value of range through ASP but was not successful.can u give some code /script taking an examplee for same.

Also guide if a parameter can be passed from an ASP to the ASP used to create data and shockwave output (fetching data from 2nd ASP through XML) appears on submit of the first ASP.



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