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Manoj k

How can i specify bar width/size for the Bar2D chart.

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I am using Bar2D chart. The Y-axis elements/size comes dynamically and I defined graph width is constant (say for Eg:350)  Its displaying fine(all bars with same size) if the y-axis elemet size is 5.

But if the y-axis element contains only one value then the bar width/size is inreased and it is occupied the complete graph.

Please let me know How can i specify bar width/size constanctly for the Bar2D chart?

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I'm afraid you cannot specify the bar width - it's automatically calculated w.r.t other elements in the chart.

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Could this be changed in the Flash .fla files or .as files in theory?




It's unfortunate that the width can't be changed easily as sometimes a long label can be essential to the reading of the chart, eg a location showing:




location_code, store_name - city (store_location)


123, ACME GOODS - LONDON (Oxford Street)




Even if the slantLabel attribute could be slanted top right to bottom left instead, that would there anywhere for users to request enhancements for future versions?




Thanks in advance,

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