
Special Character degree

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Hello Team,

i have the problem in python Django does when i take the special Special Character degree it will not display on browser

This is my django code  <>

def weather_chart(request):
    tester = sensoren.objects.filter(sensorname='Aussen').order_by('-id')[:1]
    dataSource1 = {}
    dataSource1['chart'] = {
                  "caption":"Temperatur Alfdorf",
                  "subCaption":"Aktueller Tagesverlauf °",
                  "labeldisplay": "ROTATE",
                  "slantlabels": "1",
    dataSource1['data'] =[]
    for key in sensoren.objects.filter(sensorname='Aussen', \
                                       messdatum__range=[datetime.combine(, time.min), \
                                                         datetime.combine(, time.max)]):
        data = {}
        data['label'] = datetime.time(key.messdatum).strftime("%H:%M")
        data['value'] = key.temperatur
    # Create an object for the column2d chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    column2d = FusionCharts("line", "ex1" , "450", "300", "Temperchart", "json", dataSource1) 

this is the html code

<div id="Temperchart"> 
     <script type="text/javascript">
         FusionCharts.ready(function () {
             new FusionCharts({"width": "450", "renderAt": "Temperchart", "dataFormat": "json", "type": "line", "height": "300", "id": "ex1", "dataSource": {"data": [{"label": "00:00", "value": "-8.5"}, {"label": "00:15", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "00:30", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "00:45", "value": "-9.2"}, {"label": "01:00", "value": "-9.1"}, {"label": "01:15", "value": "-9.0"}, {"label": "01:30", "value": "-9.5"}, {"label": "01:45", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "02:00", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "02:15", "value": "-10.3"}, {"label": "02:30", "value": "-10.4"}, {"label": "02:45", "value": "-10.1"}, {"label": "03:00", "value": "-10.1"}, {"label": "03:15", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "03:30", "value": "-10.0"}, {"label": "03:45", "value": "-9.6"}, {"label": "04:00", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "04:15", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "04:30", "value": "-10.0"}, {"label": "04:45", "value": "-10.0"}, {"label": "05:00", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "05:15", "value": "-9.6"}, {"label": "05:30", "value": "-9.5"}, {"label": "05:45", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "06:00", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "06:15", "value": "-9.8"}, {"label": "06:30", "value": "-9.7"}, {"label": "06:45", "value": "-9.9"}, {"label": "07:00", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "07:15", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "07:30", "value": "-10.2"}, {"label": "07:45", "value": "-10.1"}, {"label": "08:00", "value": "-9.4"}, {"label": "08:15", "value": "-9.4"}, {"label": "08:30", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "08:45", "value": "-8.9"}, {"label": "09:00", "value": "-8.2"}, {"label": "09:15", "value": "-7.2"}, {"label": "09:30", "value": "-6.2"}, {"label": "09:45", "value": "-5.2"}, {"label": "10:00", "value": "-4.5"}, {"label": "10:15", "value": "-3.9"}, {"label": "10:30", "value": "-3.6"}, {"label": "10:45", "value": "-3.5"}, {"label": "11:00", "value": "-3.0"}, {"label": "11:15", "value": "-3.0"}, {"label": "11:30", "value": "-2.5"}, {"label": "11:45", "value": "-2.1"}, {"label": "12:00", "value": "-1.7"}, {"label": "12:15", "value": "-1.5"}, {"label": "12:30", "value": "-1.2"}, {"label": "12:45", "value": "-1.0"}, {"label": "13:00", "value": "-1.0"}, {"label": "13:15", "value": "-0.9"}, {"label": "13:30", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "13:45", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "14:00", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "14:15", "value": "-0.9"}, {"label": "14:30", "value": "-0.6"}, {"label": "14:45", "value": "-0.7"}, {"label": "15:00", "value": "-0.8"}, {"label": "15:15", "value": "-0.9"}, {"label": "15:30", "value": "-1.0"}, {"label": "15:45", "value": "-1.2"}, {"label": "16:00", "value": "-1.3"}, {"label": "16:15", "value": "-1.6"}, {"label": "16:30", "value": "-2.0"}, {"label": "16:45", "value": "-2.0"}, {"label": "17:00", "value": "-2.5"}, {"label": "17:15", "value": "-3.2"}, {"label": "17:30", "value": "-3.8"}, {"label": "17:45", "value": "-4.4"}, {"label": "18:00", "value": "-5.1"}, {"label": "18:15", "value": "-5.9"}, {"label": "18:30", "value": "-6.5"}, {"label": "18:45", "value": "-6.8"}, {"label": "19:00", "value": "-6.7"}, {"label": "19:15", "value": "-6.6"}, {"label": "19:30", "value": "-6.6"}, {"label": "19:45", "value": "-6.5"}, {"label": "20:00", "value": "-6.3"}, {"label": "20:15", "value": "-6.5"}], "chart": {"drawAnchors": "0", "yAxisNameFontSize": "14", "yAxisName": "Temperatur", "caption": "Temperatur Alfdorf", "labelStep": "4", "slantlabels": "1", "labeldisplay": "ROTATE", "captionOnTop": "1", "theme": "fint", "showValues": "0", "subCaption": "Aktueller Tagesverlauf u00b0"}}});
     <script type="text/javascript">
         FusionCharts.ready(function () {

and the screenshot is at the attachment.

has anybody a solution?



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sorry I'm to stupid. I try many things about this problem

"subCaption": u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}"


u = u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}"
    dataSource1['chart'] = {
                  "caption":"Temperatur Alfdorf",
                  "subCaption": u.encode("utf8"),

but always the same problem

do you have any hint for me


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Apologies for the delayed response. Since all the chart attributes are provided as a string the Python compiler is changing the degree symbol to its corresponding Unicode, therefore as a workaround, you can apply the degree symbol using javascript from your view page and apply this method when the chart has been initialized using FusionCharts API events, to know more check this sample -

To know about initialized events check here -

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