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Using FusionCharts v3.0 ActionScript Files in Flex Builder 3.0

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I am attempting to use the FusionChart v3 AS files within Flex Builder 3.0. However, I am unable to call any of the classes defined in the FC core. Does anyone have any examples of using FC w/in Flex Builder 3?


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You cannot use FusionChart v3 AS files within Flex Builder 3.0 as FusionChart v3 AS files are Actionscript 2 files and Flex Builder uses Actionscript 3 format and also there is ActionScript Virtual Machine(AVM) problem exist. FusionChart swf files runs on AVM1 whereas Flex 3 swf runs on AVM2.

We can use FC in flex in two ways - using Local Connection and FlashInterface (3rd paty API for AVM1 and AVM2 commnication).

1. Using Local Connection:

When you have the codes of FC, you need to add a bit of script in DataLoad scene before the chart object creation:

// LocalConnection object initialization

var flash_flex:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();

// Exposing the setDataXML and setDataURL method to remote localConnection

// The main setDataXML method did not modified

// Calling that method through JavaScript also possible

flash_flex.setDataXML=function(strXML_flex : String):Void




flash_flex.setDataURL=function(strURL_flex : String):Void




// Exposing the printChart method to remote localConnection





// Exposing the saveAsImage method to remote localConnection





// Making the connection inter-domain


// Unique connection name that remote localConnection can identify


Here the MXML :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" initialize="initApp()">

 <mx:VBox id="v1" paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5">

<mx:Panel id="p1" title="LINE CHART" width="420">

 <mx:SWFLoader id="chart_1"/>


<mx:Button id="b1" label="call setDataXML" click="call_1()"/>

<mx:Button id="b2" label="call setDataURL" click="call_2()"/>

<mx:Button id="b3" label="Print chart" click="call_3()"/>

<mx:Button id="b4" label="save as Image" click="call_4()"/>




 import flash.external.*;

 import mx.controls.Alert;



 // Local connection object declaration

 // This connection used by all loaded chart swf with different connection name

 private var flash_flex:LocalConnection;

 // Demo xml string for dataXML method

 private var dataXML:String="<chart><set label='B' value='12' /><set label='C' value='10' /><set label='D' value='18' /><set label='E' value='21' /></chart>";

 private var dataURL:String="Data_2.xml";  

 // Initialization of connection object and chart loading

 private function initApp():void


flash_flex = new LocalConnection(); 



 // Functions for setDataXML method invokation of loaded chart swf

 // Parameter 1 for uniqe connection name of loaded chart swf

 // Parameter 2 for the method name you are trying to invoke

 // Parameter 3 stands for any parameter value for invoking method

 private function call_1():void


flash_flex.send( "Column3D_connector", "setDataXML", dataXML);



 private function call_2():void


flash_flex.send( "Column3D_connector", "setDataURL", dataURL);



 private function call_3():void


flash_flex.send( "Column3D_connector", "printChart");



 private function call_4():void


flash_flex.send( "Column3D_connector", "saveAsImage");






You can use multiple charts but remember to give them different connection name in chart file to idenify separately. Like,

// Unique connection name that remote localConnection can identify



flash_flex.connect("Pie3D_conn"); etc.


2. Using FlashInterface:

Make a AS class file named and put it on the same folder where main mxml file exist with FlashInterface API(here folder 'flx'). The content of the file is below,



 import flash.display.*;




 import flx.external.FlashInterface;


 public class ChartLoader extends Sprite


private var loader:Loader;

private var chartWidth:Number,chartHeight:Number,Xpos:Number,Ypos:Number;

private var Id:String;


public function ChartLoader(url:String,chartwidth:Number,chartheight:Number,xpos:Number,ypos:Number)







 loader = new Loader();

 loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaded);

 var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url+"?flashId="+Id+"&chartWidth="+chartWidth+"&chartHeight="+chartHeight);





private function loaded (e:Event):void







 dispatchEvent(new Event("chartLoaded")); 



public function setDataXML(dataxml:String):void



public function setDataURL(dataurl:String):void



public function saveAsImage():void



public function printChart():void





In FusionChart, you need to add a bit of script in DataLoad scene before the chart object creation. Place the FlashInterface API folder(here 'flx_2') where FC as files resides.

// 3rd party API for Flash 8 swf (AVM1) and

// Flash 9 or Flex 2/3 swf (AVM2) communication

import flx_2.external.FlashInterface;

// Allowing this flash 8 swf to communicate with Flash 9 swf

// or Flex 2/3 swf

FlashInterface.publish(this, true);

and here is the mxml file,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApp()">

 <mx:HBox x="10">

<mx:Button id="A1" label="setDataURL"/>

<mx:Button id="A2" label="setDataXML"/>

<mx:Button id="A3" label="saveAsImage"/>

<mx:Button id="A4" label="printChart"/>




 import ChartLoader;

 import mx.core.UIComponent;

 import mx.controls.Alert;

 import flash.display.*;


 private var chart1:ChartLoader;

 private var ui1:UIComponent;

 private var dataXML:String="<chart><set label='A' value='12' /><set label='B' value='10' /><set label='C' value='18' /><set label='D' value='21'



 private function initApp():void


chart1=new ChartLoader("Line.swf",400,300,10,30);

ui1=new UIComponent();






 private function loaded(e:Event):void


trace(" loaded");



 private function func_call(e:MouseEvent):void




 case "A1":




 case "A2":




 case "A3":




 case "A4":









You can add multiple chart by creating different chartLoader object by passing chart swf name, width, height, x and y position.

--> [FlashInterface API attached]

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Thanks for sharing that code :-)




It works great except I can't control the size of the chart background. I tried chartWidth=400&chartHeight=300 but that didn't work. I'm loading up the AngularGauge.swf.




Anything else I can try to do?







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We've (finally) released the beta of FusionCharts for Flex. You can see it and download from . The download contains source code of both our demo applications - Chart Explorer and Mortgage, which can also be seen online at




Your feedback is VERY important to us and as such please do let us know what you think of this and also if you face any bugs.

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Guest Rajroop

Hello B),




We are really excited to announce the release of FusionCharts for Flex v1.1 featuring the following:




- 12 new chart types: 7 new gauges including Angular gauge, LED gauge and Linear gauge, Spark chart and Bullet graphs have been added.


- All the gauges can fetch data in real-time and come with alert managers and message loggers.


- All the charts and gauges can now be natively exported as images and PDFs.


- The data for all the charts can be exported as CSV.


- Data sets can now have custom text labels instead of numeric values.


- The charts can handle a lot more events to help you manipulate them better.


- Trendlines can also have custom tool-text.


- Custom color palettes can be defined for the data plots.




Learn more about it from and learn more on whats new from




Existing customers can upgrade to the new version from

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