Ravikumar Sutagundi

Drilldown in Angular2 version

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Please check below  code snippet. After alert, I am trying to call a typescript method

      'dataplotClick': function(evt, args) {
       window.showAlert  = function(str){
                var arr = str.split(",");
                alert("[Example for the 'JavaScript:' prefix] \n" + arr[0]);
                this.userMethod(arr[0]);//Here trying to call typescript method
  public userMethod(value){

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Hi Ayan,

Follow up with this, have some other issue. Have attached the video for the same.

If a chart has no drill down, we do display a message to inform a user it doesn't have drill down. When the export at client option is been enabled, it displays the drop down on hower of the chart export icon. If the chart data plot has large data and displays beneath the export drop down, clicking on the export drop down it triggers the drill down wherein it should not trigger the action on data plot. However, it does download the chart along with triggering the action on data plot.

Kindly refer the attached video for the same for your reference.


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We are able to replicate the problem, however, we are glad to let you know that the issue is fixed in upcoming version 3.13.0 which would be released shortly, we would share the update accordingly.

13 minutes ago, Ravikumar S said:

Hi Ayan,

Follow up with this, have some other issue. Have attached the video for the same.

If a chart has no drill down, we do display a message to inform a user it doesn't have drill down. When the export at client option is been enabled, it displays the drop down on hower of the chart export icon. If the chart data plot has large data and displays beneath the export drop down, clicking on the export drop down it triggers the drill down wherein it should not trigger the action on data plot. However, it does download the chart along with triggering the action on data plot.

Kindly refer the attached video for the same for your reference.



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FusionCharts 3.13.0 is expected to be released by next month, I will send you a notification when the version is released.

"The support for different chart types renders in first chart place if we have multiple charts. I believe this is also going to be fixed and released in the 3.13.0 version?"
Could you please elaborate this query.

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