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Trying to set a transparent background

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I am trying to set a transparent background but with no success. Image can be seen on background but canvas is not getting transparent which I have tried through different properties but none is working...




Here is my XML






decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' bgSWFAlpha='40' canvasBgAlpha='20' baseFont='Verdana'>










Any help would be appreciated





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You would need to set the wmode parameter of <object> or <embed> to transparent first.

If you are using FusionCharts.js to embed the chart, please use chartObj.setTransparent(true); [ Please use the latest FusionCharts.js to get this function )

If you are using ASP.NET DLL, (get the latest) you would find a transparent paremeter to set.

In other case you might need to download the wmode tranparent ready FusionChartsWmode.js from :

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Guest Madhumita


Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum . ;)

To set the canvas as transparent please set the canvasbgAlpha='0' in the <chart> element.

Hope this helps.

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