
how to not move data label

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★Wanting to be able to do it

 chart: 2D Pie Charts

   data label no move when has chart property "placeValuesInside" and chert part click

{ < chart showBorder = '0'
	showPlotBorder = '0'
	borderThickness = '0'
	plotGradientColor = ''
	caption = 'cross'
	bgColor = 'ffffff'
	startingAngle = '90'
	use3DLighting = '0'
	showShadow = '0'
	enableSmartLabels = '0'
	labelDisplay = 'stagger'
	placevaluesinside = '1'
	labelDistance = ''
	showPercentInTooltip = '0'
	animation = '1'
	theme = 'fint'
	showValues = '1'
	formatNumber = '1'
	formatNumberScale = '0'
	exportEnabled = '1'
	ExportShowMenuItem = '0'
	ExportHandler = '/common/remote/GetFusionChartImage.aspx'
	chartTopMargin = '10'
	chartRightMargin = '50'
	showLegend = '1'
	legendPosition = 'RIGHT' >


Edited by obata

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