
Invalid xml data with trial gantt chart

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I am trying to generate Gantt chart on the fly


Attached my asp page and another html page which shows the gantt chart


but I am getting invalid xml data error


any ideas why I am getting?


Is this because of trail version


If so any work around?


Thanks a lot




The output I am having from the strXML is as below (from firebox browser is that double quote matter here)




































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Hi Arindam,


Thanks a lot


I did tried that's fine the error gone but the chart not showing (If I copy the xml output and save as .xml after replacing double quotes with single qoute then the refer it works)


Is that because I am using trail version and do I need to replace the double and single quotes too if so how


when I view the asp page the xml generated having double quotes in it?


any ideas?



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Hi ramkmr,

  First of all tell you that trail version chart and paid version chart are same, but in trail Version Company water mark will shown.  Chart xml coming from asp page, its ok. Please run html page from with in web server. Also keep Fusioncharts swf file and js file with in web server. Please see documentation http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs


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Hi Arindam,




Yes I am running all this in web server only did tried relative path exact path etc




the issue now is


If I give




Then it works fine remember the data on this file is just cut and paste of the following asp's output




but if I give the actual asp which generates the xml output




it doesn't work here(says "invalid xml data") so really confused why the direct link to asp not working




if I give




then getting "no data to display" error message




anything I am missing here.


any ideas?

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ramkmr (6/20/2008)
Hi Arindam,


Yes I am running all this in web server only did tried relative path exact path etc


the issue now is

If I give


Then it works fine remember the data on this file is just cut and paste of the following asp's output


but if I give the actual asp which generates the xml output


it doesn't work here(says "invalid xml data") so really confused why the direct link to asp not working


if I give


then getting "no data to display" error message


anything I am missing here.

any ideas?

Hi ramkmr,

There seems to be some confusion regarding the path that you are using.

Since you are running ASP page to generate XML file, you need to run the application from a local server (e.g. IIS). This would create virtual folder for the actual folder where you are keeping your files. Say, you are keeping the files in actual folder C:MyASPAppFusionChartsDataGenerator and you have made you folder C:MyASPApp as a virtual folder in IIS web sharing named "mysite" you would need to access/run the apps inside this folder using path :http://localhost/mysite. The sub-folders inside this folder are accessible in the same fashion : http://localhost/mysite/FusionCharts etc.

Now, since you are getting errors, what you can do is set the chart's debug mode and see the debug inormation in the debug window.

You also might try generating the XML using the same URL - "C:/../../BasicDBExample.asp" and send it to us so that we can see why its "invalid xml data".

Please also note that if you wish to provide data using setDataXML() you need pass the XML as string to the function.

e.g. myChart.setDataXML("<chart><set value='1201' label='foo'/></chart>");

To pass the XML generator URL you need to use setDataURL() function.

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Hi Sudipto


you are right


I got it working now


I Just copied the Gantt.swf in web application root folder and referenced


it's working great now


Thanks a lot for your team


So it has to be the all files in web folders to get it working

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I've tried the following code with no success.


The message error was "Invalid XML data"




var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Gantt.swf", "myChartId1", "600", "400", "0", "0");


dataXml =


"<chart dateFormat='mm/dd/yyyy' caption='Project Gantt'>" +


" <categories> " +


" <category start='02/01/2007' end='03/01/2007' label='Feb' /> " +


" <category start='03/01/2007' end='04/01/2007' label='Mar' /> " +


" </categories> " +


" <processes fontSize='12' isBold='1' align='right'> " +


" <process label='Identify Customers' /> " +


" <process label='Survey 50 Customers' /> " +


" </processes> " +


" <tasks> " +


" <task start='02/04/2007' end='02/10/2007' /> " +


" <task start='02/08/2007' end='02/19/2007' /> " +


" </tasks> " +


"</chart> "










But, the following case is fine.




var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Gantt.swf", "myChartId1", "600", "400", "0", "0");







File data.xml contains the following XML data (identical with the previous sample) :




<chart dateFormat='mm/dd/yyyy' caption='Project Gantt'>




<category start='02/01/2007' end='03/01/2007' label='Feb' />


<category start='03/01/2007' end='04/01/2007' label='Mar' />




<processes fontSize='12' isBold='1' align='right'>


<process label='Identify Customers' />


<process label='Survey 50 Customers' />






<task start='02/04/2007' end='02/10/2007' />


<task start='02/08/2007' end='02/19/2007' />








What's wrong with the first sample?




thanks in advance,



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